Friday, 27 February 2009

C'mon, you mongoose!

First, on a day for cockney rebels, let’s give some credit to the Corsa C’Mon Talking Plush. That ten inch cross between Dennis Wise, Bob Hoskins and an oven glove we see marching across our TV screens advertising that small car. I can’t pin down what it is about this cockney character that I like. Certainly not the product. But, unlike most, it’s an ad I’m always prepared to watch. Now, the latest ad to come up and see me and make me smile is Alexandr the Meerkat. When I first saw or heard these Compare The Market ads, I thought the whole thing was such a corny calabash. Nothing but a flabby foot shoehorned into a tight boot. But I couldn’t get the voice out of my head. And now, I find myself walking around the house speaking in that Russian accent. All because some creative bright spark decided to link the sounds of meerkat and market. Simples! Never mind the human menagerie, I’m a soft touch for inanimate objects of this kind. In my imagination (and, I dare say it, in that of half the UK population), ever since the talking chimps of the 60s PG Tips ads, these things easily take on a life all their own. Here at Ideal, Debbie has worked very closely with Kirk, the woodland creature, as part of the successful, award-winning Yellow Woods Challenge since 2001 (see In the course of my brand naming work over the years, I’ve named ocean cruises, charity fundraising campaigns and government departmental initiatives, among others. But nobody has yet asked me to name a soft toy for the purpose of animating a whole brand. If they were to do so today, I think I’d call it Sebastian.

Mark Griffiths

1 comment:

  1. I have to say I am with you on the Corsa ads. I was looking last year for a T shirt like there's.

    Regarding the Meerkat - it leaves me cold, but I remember the ad. which, I guess, is the main point.

    I have to say I enjoy the new PG Tips ads. which also feature a stuffed comic character .... and a knitted monkey. Tellingly I have no idea what Typhoo are saying or how - even though I may have seen it a million times. But which am I more likely to buy - neither, I prefer Assam.

    As for naming "a soft toy for the purpose of animating a whole brand" - well whilst it could be argued that they will act I think that Muriel is well of beam. The obvious answer in "Mr. Soft".
